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Parents & Students

We are pleased to have Mr. Lugo-School Guardian back this school year to assist with school safety. During morning arrival and afternoon dismissal, parents will not be allowed on campus unless they are attending a special event or meeting. Designated waiting areas will be assigned for parents and guardians outside the gates. In addition, we will be using a number system for our Parent Pick-up area. Parent Pick-up students will be assigned a number. Parents must display the number on the dashboard of their vehicles. If parents are waiting in the Parent Pick-up Grassy Area, they must hold their child's assigned number. Also, please vacate immediately after collecting your child. Please do not allow your child to run around and play in the grassy area. If you have any questions or there is something you don't understand, please feel free to stop by the front office. Procedures will be strictly enforced.

504/PST Contacts

Melinda Montesi

Parents & Students Resources